Powered by Volunteers
Scott Edwards
Scott Edwards employees turn out tables
Our friends @scottedwardsarchitecture showed up on an October Saturday morning to build eight sturdy picnic tables. The tables are now in place at @portlandgov Sunderland Safe Park Village. Through partnerships like this one and working with school programs, HBF has donated tables or other important items to each of the transitional housing Villages the city operates.
This was a sustainable project, as SEA staff built the tables from lightly used wood salvaged from a temporary installation. HBF has worked with this firm on several service (and shelter) projects. We appreciate their continued commitment to serving our community! Thanks to all who helped out.
St. John's Village
St. John's Village
Lennar Portland volunteer builders
A few days before, a busy team from Lennar Portland and Pacific Landscape Service worked nonstop to clean up the grounds for Do Good Multnomah’s St. John’s Village. HBF helped build the 20 tiny home village back in 2021, and returns often to provide maintenance and upkeep. Do Good spokesmen tell us the volunteer labor is an enormous help because they often do not receive money to maintain their facilities.
Volunteers trimmed brush, cleaned up paths, and put a new layer of bark on planting beds. Most impactful was the building of a new paver patio, thanks to the pro team from Pacific Landscape. Meantime, volunteers from Lennar assembled a cover that will allow the patio to be used year around. Do Good’s Lisa Horness says the work day doubled their outdoor area. “It basically made the village new again. And all of our participants living in that space are ecstatic about this beautiful new space that they call home.” Lennar has been completing quarterly projects for HBF, and we are always impressed by how hard they work.
Oleson Woods
Mountainwood homes
Mountainwood Homes Team at CPAH
We always have a great time with our friends @mountainwoodhomes who helped us build trails, refurbish benches, clear brush and construct split rail fencing at the Oleson Woods property. This is one of two affordable housing complexes owned by Community Partners for Affordable Housing - CPAH .
Since beginning the project in March, over 100 volunteers have helped HBF clear out invasive species to reclaim the natural areas of this apartment complex that was built in 2003. When HBF started, the wooded areas were overgrown with blackberries, and other weeds. The volunteer work crews discovered benches that could not be accessed ,and pathways that were impassable. Multiple truckloads of plant material and garbage were hauled away thanks to our great partners at Clean it up Mark.
Robert Wood, of Mountainwood Homes explained “We're full time builders all day every day…And so for us to figure out how to reach out and be involved in these projects to help what we see as needs of houselessness is very hard for us to do. We thank the Foundation for getting us get involved”. We appreciate Heidi and Robert at MWH for planning such an amazing work party, which helps move us closer to completion of the project. Would you like to volunteer with HBF? Contact Chris McDowell, Chrism@hbapdx.org.