Foundation Hero: Erik Brakstad
Erik Brakstad
Erik Brakstad of Tivnu
Home Building Foundation likes to thank some of our outstanding volunteers by declaring them “Foundation Heroes”. We’d like to introduce you to someone who has gone above and beyond to help our projects in the past two years. Erik Brakstad of Brakstad Builders is the Construction Trainer at Tivnu: Building Justice.
We are grateful for Brakstad because he has brought his Tivnu teams to help HBF with projects such as A Village for One, Project Homeless Connect and Community Partners for Affordable Housing.
Tell us about yourself (What you do, how you got started in the business, etc.):
I’m a construction trainer for a non-profit called Tivnu – a social justice gap year program for Jewish young adults. I enjoy taking my crews around the Portland area to work on various community projects – we spend lots in our time doing work in and around safe rest villages. I still have my business and carry my contractors license, but I spend 75% of my time with Tivnu.
How did you get involved in the HBF? What keeps you involved?
I was introduced to Chris McDowell, and he’s gotten us into all kinds of juicy HBF projects. I love the range and impact that me and my crew have experience on HBF jobsites .
Brakstad and Tivnu at Project Homeless Connect
What is a fun fact about you that not everyone knows?
I’ve spent many years involved with Norwegian language camps, and I now direct and Norwegian camp for adults in Minnesota twice a year
What is your favorite hobby?
I can’t stay away from playing pickup basketball
Thank you Erik!