Shooting for Success
Trap Shoot 2023
Unseasonably warm temperatures gave the 2023 Home Building Foundation Trap Shoot, presented by Parr Lumber , a summertime vibe. The sun was shining brightly as the most teams ever-75 -flocked to the Portland Gun Club early in the morning. Once team members registered, they lined up for biscuits and gravy from our breakfast volunteer team, Divine 9, thanks to Hardline Hearth & Home. Then, they either shot the breeze, grabbed a cup of joe thanks to Westside Drywall, or took a few practice rounds at the Cascade Windows tent for the 19th annual event.
Shooters prepare to take their turn
This focus of this year’s Trap Shoot was HBF’s increased effort to connect with educators and nonprofits that are working to help people find work in construction. HBF brought new partner Cultivate Initiatives to the event. Fundraising Director Matthew McCarl explained how they provide paid work to people leaving homelessness in light construction, as well as graffiti and trash removal. “People who are homeless really want to work…employment is huge not just for the income, but also it provides a spark of dignity, contribution, and purpose.” The supervisors of the Cultivate Initiatives outreach program came to provide volunteer support to the Trap Shoot, and to spread the word about their work.
Annie Oakley Winner Jered Halter
Lunch courtesy of Envision Interiors & Macadam Floor and Design brought delicious BBQ ribs and sides from Celebrate Catering, and for dessert, shaved Ice from Kona Ice is provided thanks to Coastal. Not that anyone is going to starve during the event. Board Member Jeffery Tamburro and our friends at NW Natural volunteer to stock and staff a very popular snack table during the event as well.
Another popular fundraising aspect of the event is the very popular raffle. With over 40 prizes donated by industry members and sponsors such as a grill, Yeti coolers, and outdoor fire pits, the tickets sell quickly. On top of the general raffle, attendees put their ticket in for a chance to win a brand new Benelli shotgun thanks to Boise Cascade. The crowd gathers around the booth to see who has won. Cornhole, Jenga and other attractions, as well as a chance to play with the HBF photo booth provided fun diversions while folks waited their turn.
Another popular fundraising aspect of the event is the raffle. With prizes such as a rifle, Yeti coolers, and outdoor fire pits, the tickets sell quickly. The crowd gathers around the booth to see who has won. Cornhole, Jenga and other attractions, as well as a chance to play with the HBF photo booth provided fun diversions while folks waited their turn.
HBF Staff (L) Kyle Ellerbe, Brenda Ketah, Teresa Spangler, and Chris McDowell
Afternoon means another round of shooting. Top teams have to move their shooting line back a bit to make the competition a little tougher. Practice must make perfect, because for a third year, the winning and runner up teams were the same, Merten and Sons in First Place, followed by Builders FirstSource in Second.
Winning team: Three-peat for Merton and Sons
As the day ended and the heat was at its peak, teams members who'd finished shooting got a chance to stop by the James Hardie After Party for a drink thanks to Paulaner Beer. Thanks to our water bottle sponsor Weyerhaeuser/Trus Joist, attendees were able to stay hydrated throughout the day. We're grateful for the support, because HBF used more water than ever before at this Trap Shoot!
The Workforce Development element was a hit as well. Another represented organization was the adult construction training program Constructing Hope, a multiyear partner for HBF. Director Pat Daniels talked with many attendees, such as MODS PDX owner Nathan Young about creating employment opportunities for her trainees.
Cultivate Initiatives and Constructing Hope join HBF to promote workforce programs
Cultivate Initiatives employees gave high praise to the event . Project Stewardship lead Bobby Mitchell told us “It doesn’t feel like work! It’s fun-nice change of pace. Fellow volunteer Dan Booth says “It’s a beautiful event, I’m enjoying it…really friendly people.” Many of the team members had experienced homelessness themselves, and told us how their lives have been turned around now that they have well paying jobs in the community.
Benches built by local students to be donated
HBF will continue to forge its relationship with Cultivate Initiatives. The beautiful cedar benches built by Sherwood High that were used at the Gun Club will be donated to Cultivate's East Portland job program waiting area. In late September, Reynolds Learning Academy will work with Holt Homes to build a coffee station and trash can receptacle for the team waiting area. These features will help as Cultivate Initiative’s begins a new day labor program, which will provide jobs for formerly homeless people such as construction site cleanup for the building community.
Final receipts are still being tallied, but it is anticipated the event raised more than $100,000 for HBF’s shelter building and workforce outreach programs. HBF Board Vice President Brian Boggs says this was his favorite Trap Shoot ever! “It was great to see the key leadership of so many builders and suppliers in attendance, whether actively shooting or supporting their crew. The event is a great way to foster culture within teams and blow off some of the steam our industry creates. I can’t wait to get together with everyone again for our 20th anniversary shoot next year!"
Dozens of volunteers and sponsors make this event possible: Here are our sponsors.
Our tireless Trap Shoot Committee Members are Tammy Allen, of Contract Furnishings Mart, Damien Fallin of Taiga Exterior Wood ,Ralph Goldman of Cascade Windows, Brian Kegg of Parr Lumber, Diana Lal of Holt Homes, Derek Lowe from Builders FirstSource, Mike Riggs with Portland Gun Club, Drew Roberts of Parr Lumber, Molly Setzer of Pacific Crest Building Supply, Keith Steffen from Toll Brothers, Jeff Tamburro with NW Natural and Brad Van Dyke from Builders FirstSource.
Event Volunteers: Many thanks to Kailin and Mark Beirwagen, Nami Bigos, John Blinger, Merissa Cooper, Mel Duncan, Julie Ferrell, Heather Ferguson, Ernesto Ferrer, Candance Hanks, Matt Jerrell, Yvonne Lerch, Jennifer Lopez, Marty Mertz, and Anne-Marie Nash,
We appreciate our Board of Director members who attended and helped. Mark Beirwagen, Brian Boggs, Melissa Galland, Diana Lal, Dave Nielsen, Earl Pierce, Jeff Tamburro, Heidi Talbert and Board President Brian Schmidt.
If you would like to be involved in our 20th Anniversary Trap Shoot, contact Development Manager Kyle Ellerbe,